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Urge Your Senator to Cosponsor and Pass VAWA (S. 2843) Today!

The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2019 (VAWA) (S. 2843) is critical and lifesaving legislation that maintains safety protections important to all survivors, particularly women of color and other marginalized communities. This bill also makes modest, but vital, improvements to provide the resources critical to supporting all survivors and their needs. VAWA passed the House of Representatives with bipartisan support and now it’s time for the Senate to act! Tell your Senators to cosponsor and pass VAWA (S. 2843) today!

Tell Your Member: Cosponsor FVPSA Today!

FVPSA provides critical funding that survivors rely on for domestic violence services such as housing, emergency shelter, transportation, childcare, and medical and legal counseling. It’s time Congress takes action to reauthorize FVPSA that includes increased funding for current programs in addition to new investments for prevention and marginalized survivors. FVPSA is critical, lifesaving legislation that survivors rely on. It’s time we told Congress they cannot not hold the funding for these programs hostage. Tell your Member to cosponsor S.2259/H.R. 5041 today!

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